photographies | videos | sounds
simone choulle artworks
Simone Choulle is our Lady Hyde, through her we question photography freely without photogenic, without dogma.
The exploration is multiple: photography as subject, self-portrait and intimacy.
photographies | videos | sounds
Simone Choulle is our Lady Hyde, through her we question photography freely without photogenic, without dogma.
The exploration is multiple: photography as subject, self-portrait and intimacy.
CYD – commande pour un happening
2007 – 02’00 – noir et blanc – sonore
images et montage : simone choulle
musique : glamour to kill «clone fashion» remixed by helene vedrenne
42Xperiment – exercice de style autour de la pornographie
2000 – 03’13 – couleur – sonore
images et musique : simone choulle